Depende de la solicitud que queramos realizar, como norma general, se deben escribir con un tono y lenguaje entendible y preciso, sin realizar muchos abusos de formalidad o de cordialidad , y haciendo un breve resumen de forma clara y precisa de todos y cada uno de los detalles que los cuales deseamos solicitar.
Como norma genreal, jamás estará ni sobrará el estar agradecidos cuando pongamos fin a la carta, asegurando de esta manera que dicha solicitud efectuada será respondida, este tipo de agradecimiento hace referencia solamente al hecho de haberle echo perder un valioso tiempo o de que les va a suponer la solicitud una perdida futura de tiempo.
Este tipo de documento denominado cartas de solicitud ,del tipo que sea ,de servicio por ejemplo, disponen como es normal llegado el momento de la petición de poder , efectuar la baja de forma voluntaria o de proceder a la anulación de nuestros datos o como en el ejemplo siguiente , la solicitud de anular completamente el servicio publicitario que dicha empresa tiene con nosotros, con el objetivo de dejar de recibir publicidad molesta en nuestros buzones o correos.
Madrid, 13 May 2016
Subject: Request for assistance Opening
Mr. Alfredo Bernal
Director of Central Bank
Restaurant workers "Good eating" we
invite you and family, because of the imminent opening
of our restaurant.
No doubt you attend the event with his wife and children.
Without further ado, I cordially awaiting dismissal
A big hug
Good foods Workers
Letter No. 189-2008-DGA / CR
José Alejandro Mejia Godoy
Los Sauces No. 149, Dept. 302
San Bora
Your communication received on 11 September 2016
By special request of fi cial Mayor of Congress, I am writing to you in response to your letter received by the entity on September 11 last, to fi n to express the Board of Congress, at its meeting on August 15, this year, agreed to provide that a special audit is conducted in the process of accountability and reimbursement for travel and representation Congressmen lords.
Consequently, having begun the audit process, we must tell you that the reports and control actions are subject to the principle of reservation, whose merit is prohibited during execution of the control information that could dif fi cult it is disclosed, subject to the provisions of Law No. 27785 - Organic Law of the National Control System and the Comptroller General of the Republic, in accordance with Directive No. 003-2004-CG / SGE - Rules on dissemination and access to reports of government control - approved by Resolution of the Comptroller General
No. 061 -2004-CG
Without further ado, I remain
Yours Truly
Plaza Armas # 73
April 7, 2016
Dear Sir:
I am writing to you as a customer of the Bank ud handles,
under the provisions of section 23 of the Act
data protection, to request the complete cancellation of
my personal data as well as any information that
appropriate to me, so that your bank does not have
mine any trace on your database.
The reason that moves me to take this decision is the huge
amount of advertising leaflets that arrive in my mailbox
every day. Always with the intention of informing their
campaigns to attract new deposits fixed interest
or loans and loans at low interest.
No purpose, I remain yours:
Manuel Pérez
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